Contact Us
For General Enquiries, please contact us at: |
West Winds Primary School and Nursery Unit School Office Phone: 028 9181 5212 or Email: |
Updated School Communication Methods for Families already enrolled in school |
Home to school We welcome you contacting us in the following ways: Phone: The School Office 028 9181 5212 Email: SeeSaw Family: If you want to make contact with your child’s teacher FaceBook Messenger will no longer be receiving incoming messages. School to home The West Winds App This will be the primary method through which school will communicate with you. If you have any issues with the App please get in touch through the Help/ Support button within the App. If you need a new SMS message so that you can verify your phone to receive the messages please contact the office. SeeSaw Family – for parents and carers We will be using the SeeSaw Family App to allow your child’s teacher to be in touch with you directly and for you to contact them directly. We wanted to put this in as there are fewer opportunities for you to see your child’s teacher, due to Covid restrictions. The Family App looks very similar to the SeeSaw Class app, so if you’ve downloaded the SeeSaw Class App before, make sure you’re not scanning the QR code into that. We have sent you home a QR code so you can gain access – please get in contact with school if you need another copy of it. SeeSaw Class – for pupils We have used the SeeSaw class app before and will continue to use it mostly just for our children. You will be able to see their work on SeeSaw Class through the SeeSaw Family App, so parents and carers shouldn’t need to access SeeSaw class. Should your child end up in a situation where we have to deliver remote learning to them, we will do so through SeeSaw. |
Events in the next 3 days...
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
Half term holidays |
Friday, 14th February 2025 |
Half term holidays |