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West Winds Primary School and Nursery Unit


Welcome to P6

Mrs McDonnell is our P6 teacher. This year we are covering lots of different fun topics including Around the World, The Stone Age and Bridges. P6 also brings lots of opportunities for fun maths investigations, story writing, poetry, drama and music making!

Extra Activities in P6

Mondays - Gardening lessons

Tuesdays - Swimming, football and forest schools

*Make sure you have everything you need to participate in these activities including a coat as we will be out in all weathers!*


Homework is being set on a half termly basis. Each night we expect P6 to do:

  1. Reading (10 to 15 minutes every night)
  2. Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check target spellings
  3. Learning number facts

They will also have two written tasks to complete each week. One numeracy and one literacy. Homework is to be handed in on Fridays.



20th Jun 2024
Today P7 ran a pea fair for the P1-6 classes.The children had planned a series of...
15th Mar 2024
As part of our World Book Day celebrations the librarians created a quiz based on...
7th Mar 2024
All the classes have been very busy creating a book themed door. We have an excellent...
19th Oct 2023
P5, P6 and P7 came to school today dressed as Rockstars to celebrate Maths Week Ireland!...

Latest School Photos

Class and individual winners.
Class and individual winners.
Nursery children with their new book.
Nursery children with their new book.
Librarians checking the entries.
Librarians checking the entries.
Selecting the individual winners.
Selecting the individual winners.