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West Winds Primary School and Nursery Unit


Welcome to P5 :)

In P5 we have a lot of learning to do. We work really hard with our literacy and numeracy and love to learn about our topics too.  There is lots of other learning going on too including; art, PE, music, Forest Schools and PDMU.

In P5 we always try our best!



  1. Reading - at least 20 minutes per night 
  2. Spellings - LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK
  3. Number facts each night
  4. Literacy and numeracy written homework

Written homework is returned every Thursday.



Current P5 topics include

  • Me Inc
  • Liquid Gold
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Northern Ireland 


20th Jun 2024
Today P7 ran a pea fair for the P1-6 classes.The children had planned a series of...
4th Jun 2024
P5 are learning all about Our Wee Country and for homework they had to create a project...
24th May 2024
Thursday 23rd May saw the doors flung open as West Winds embraced outdoor classroom...
15th Mar 2024
As part of our World Book Day celebrations the librarians created a quiz based on...

Latest School Photos



Topic - Egypt
Topic - Egypt