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West Winds Primary School and Nursery Unit


Welcome to P2!


In P2 children have a homework pack that contains all their homework for that week. Packs are sent home on a Monday and returned on a Thursday. We recommend completing a little each night.

Reading – each week children have an unfamiliar read, this is a book that the children have not seen before. We suggest that you spend time looking at the pictures, reading it together, talking about the words and then let the children have a go reading themselves. 

Written homework consists of a weekly literacy and numeracy activity. These activities reinforce what we have been learning in class.
At the beginning of P2 we review letter sounds before moving to the school spelling and number fact scheme. Spellings and number facts are completed using the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method. Spellings lists are accompanied by a spelling related activity each week.

In class we cover a variety of topics, to accompany homework children will sent a topic sheet with a range of ideas that will extend the topic at home. Work completed at home can be shared in school and added to Seesaw.


In P2 we cover a variety of topics, here is an example of some we have explored recently.

Term 1 - All about us, Autumn / Trees, Light and Dark & Christmas

Term 2 - Winter, Dinosaurs, Spring & Easter

Term 3 - Pirates & Summer

Topics can change, often our boys and girls come up with ideas that we are happy to investigate. 

In P2 we encourage children to get outdoors and moving as much as possible. This could be looking at nature on a walk to the shop or a game of football in the park. 



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Phonics Play
Fun phonics
games to play.
Top Marks
A range of
maths and
literacy games.
ICT Games
Spelling and
counting games.

Sound stories
and games.
Spelling games
and ebooks to